Authors: Mudawamah Mudawamah, N. Hairoh
, M.Z. Fadli
, M.W. Lestari
, M.Y. Afroni
, Y. Oktanella
and G.
Ciptadi, Indonesia |
Abstract: This research was conducted to examine phenotypic variation, correlation, and regression of
various morphometric characteristics in Garut sheep, as a basis for consideration in selecting
prospective candidate rams and ewes. The method used in this research was a case study, with
the sample criteria of ewes having at least one kid and rams having offspring. Malang Regency
farmer conducted this research with a total sample of 27 Garut Sheep as a Javanese thin-tail. The
five standard morphological traits observed were body length (BL), chest circumference (CC),
body height (HG), height hip (HH), and width hip (WH). Data analysis used analysis of variance
with a single factor to characterize the morphology of rams and ewes of Garut Indonesian Local
sheep. The results showed that BL and BH of rams were significantly different (P < 0.05) higher
than the ewes, with no significant difference (P > 0.05) in CC, HH, HW, and TL of ewes and
rams, but CC and HH tended to be higher in ram than ewes; in contrast, HW and TL mean
tended to be lower in ram than ewes. Variation or diversity, correlation, and determination
coefficient in all morphological traits ranged from 4.86 to 47.10, 0.41 to 0.74, and positive
regression in rams and ewes. The conclusion was that 67% of morphological traits (CC, BL, BH,
and HH) were higher in Rams than in Ewes and lower than 33% of HW and TL. The closest
correlation of morphology in both rams and ewes was the relationship between BL (X) and CC
(Y), with a determination coefficient of 43-55% and the regression equation Y = 35.64 + 0.51 X
(rams) and Y = 14.86 + 0.70 X.