Authors: Louis DJEGBATE*, Norbert AGOINON, Alain ZINGONGO, Immaculee AHO-Glele and Odile GUEDEGBE DOSSOU, Benin
Abstract: Nowadays, the neglect and disappearance of family eulogies can be seen, and the new approach
to territorial development requires that cultural heritage be taken into account through its
safeguarding and promotion. The general objective of this study is to contribute to the
safeguarding and enhancement of the eulogies of the Mahi community of Savalou for the
promotion of cultural tourism. To achieve this objective, the study combined both qualitative and
quantitative methods applied to a sample of 139 people in the 09 districts that make up the Mahi
community of the territory on the basis of questionnaires, inventory sheets and an audio recorder.
This target group includes community intellectuals (dah...), large wives (nan, yao, houessi),
senior citizens and some young people. The different collection techniques and tools made it
possible to collect enough data. 20 family panegyrics have been identified in the community in
terms of results, and are supported by at least 02 prohibitions each, 01 to 02 rhythms are
associated with the declamation of the panegyric. At the end of the study, the need to safeguard
the eulogies was noted, due to the young generation's lack of knowledge of this cultural heritage. |