Authors: ORTIZ-ÁVALOS Alma Angélica, CORTÉS-JIMÉNEZ Juan Manuel, FUENTES-DÁVILA Guillermo,
Abstract: The organic fungicides Cu ProtectiveR, PHC MilStop PlusR, CYR MEGAR, and FulciteR were
evaluated for control of black point of wheat at the Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station in
the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico, during the crop season 2020-2021. Durum wheat commercial
cultivar CIRNO C2008 was used for this evaluation by sowing on December 1, 2020, in an
organic certified plot with a seed density of 70 kg ha-1. Four complementary irrigations were
applied in addition to the irrigation for seed germination. Weed control was done manually. The
organic fungicides were applied 83 and 111 days after sowing (grain filling and physiological
maturity, respectively) with a Swissmex back pack sprayer (10 liter capacity) at the rates of 2.0,
1.5, and 6.0 liters of commercial product, as well as 7.0 grams, respectively for a volume of 300
L of water. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications,
the experimental plot consisted of three beds with double row 5 m long, and beds separated by
0.80 m, and the experimental unit consisted of one bed with two rows 1 m long. Harvest was
done manually with a sickle and threshing with a Pullman stationary machine. The percentage of
infected grains was calculated by counting infected and healthy grain from a sample of 100 from
each experimental unit. The ANOVA was performed with the MSTAT version 2.10 and the
mean comparison with the LSD test (p= 0.05). The average percentage of infected grains was
3.33, 4.33, 4.67, 9.67, and 16.25% for Cu ProtectiveR, PHC MilStop PlusR, CYR MEGAR,
FulciteR, and the untreated check, respectively. The first three were statistically similar, different
to FulciteR and the untreated check, and FulciteR was different than the untreated check. The
biological effectiveness of Cu ProtectiveR, PHC MilStop PlusR, CYR MEGAR, and FulciteR
for control of black point of wheat was 79.4, 73.3, 71.2, and 40.5%, respectively. |