Abstract: This study was carried out to ascertain the characterization and classification of soils along river
Donga in Donga local government area of Taraba State. Three profile pits were dug on the flat
terrain for the physio-chemical properties of the soils. The pits were described and samples were
collected for routine laboratory analysis for the selected physio-chemicals properties. Data
collected were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA)
The result of the laboratory analysis of the physical and chemical properties indicated that
particle size distribution of sand particle dominated other fraction of fine earth materials. This
can be attributed to the parent materials that gave rise to the soils.The pH (H2O) was slightly
acidic in reaction in all the pedons studied (6.44, 5.82 and 5.67). The organic carbon content
ranges from very low to low compared to the maximum level (5%) for tropical soils. Available
phosphorus obtained exceeded the critical limits of 8.0 to >18mg/kg, which indicates that the
available phosphorus were high. The exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K & Na) as indicated in the
table 3 that Ca, Mg, K & Na were low in all the pedons studied. The results obtained from
analyzed profile samples showed that percentage (%) base saturation values for all the pedons
were high. The Correlation was done to determine non-significant and significant values among
soil physio-chemical properties studied at 5% and 1% probability level.
In addition, after the profile description and examination of the soil properties of the study area,
the soils were classified using USDA soil taxonomy (2014). Pedons 1 and 2 are classified into
the order of Alfisols and sub-group of Typical Haplustalf while pedon 3 is also classified into
Alfisols but sub-group of Arenickandiustals (Hypereuticlixisels).