Authors: SYLLA Idrissa*, KONE Mamadou, YEBOUE Kouadio Félix, DIOMANDE Boué Ismaël and KOFFI
N'Goran Mathurin ,Ivory Coast |
Abstract: Snails of the Achatina achatina species were collected at the markets of Daloa. Specifically, it
was about identifying the species of parasites encountered at each collection site and their
prevalence, then informing the intensity of infestation of each specie of parasites from the freshly
emitted faeces. The flotation method that was used yielded the following results: On all three
sites, the results showed the presence of larvae and eggs of Strongyloides sp, larvae of Rhabditis
sp, and larvae of Harpacticoida sp . The parasite prevalences recorded are respectively 48.9% of
Strongyloides sp larvae, 20% for Rhabditis sp and 31.1% for Harpacticoida sp. These results
showed that the identified parasites can be transmitted to humans through snails.