Abstract: The constant growth of the population makes the commitment of means of transportation more
than necessary.
The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of road networks on the development of
the Copargo municipality.
To carry out this research, the methodology adopted consisted firstly in designing survey forms,
then in carrying out documentary research, and in conducting field surveys with 176 people
using questionnaires and interview guides. The collected data were processed using software
such as: Excel spreadsheet and ArcView 3.2 and the results were finally analyzed.
The results of the research showed that the trails are the most used by the populations to access
socio-economic services. They are more numerous (95%) followed by paved roads (5%)
represented by RNIE3. It should be noted that the existing infrastructure is not only insufficient
but also suffers from poor and regular maintenance. 75% of this infrastructure is in poor
condition. 55% of the users surveyed are located near the roads to carry out socio-economic
activities. So, to ensure the socio-economic development of the commune, it is necessary to
subdivide all the districts, provide them with quality roads and ensure their regular maintenance. |