Abstract: Agriculture is exceptionally important economic industry and it enjoys a very important
treatment in the global EU policy. The contribution of agriculture to the Union's gross domestic
product (GDP) is below 3%, but this industry employs about 5% of the employed working age
population of the Community and is a major source of income in many rural communities. Food,
beverages and tobacco represent about 20% of the average household expenditure in Europe and
their contribution in the Union's international trade and export is very significant.
The EU own production of basic agricultural products is vital both for its citizens and the
political independence of its member countries. The economic, social and political importance of
agriculture outweighs the contribution to the Union's GDP.
Tobacco cultivation and tobacco production are part of the most important economic activities in
Macedonia. Our country is a well-known producer of high-quality oriental type of tobacco,
which is part of the recipes for manufacturing best quality cigarettes. Tobacco production is of
economic importance and it should be sustained, despite the reduced production imposed by the
EU in many countries. Many types and varieties of tobacco which are well-known for their
specific properties, participate in obtaining the expected properties. According to the aroma,
tobacco is divided into aromatic and non-aromatic. The term “aromatic tobacco” usually refers to
the oriental types and they contain essential oils and other aromatic substances, due to which,
their leaves become fragrant after the process of drying.
The Balkan countries, including Macedonia together with Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey, are the
largest traditional producers and exporters of quality oriental tobacco. That is why the primary
production of oriental small-leaf aromatic tobacco is of great economic and social significance
for us. Due to its high quality, the Macedonian oriental tobacco is highly valued on the
international market and together with the tobacco products, it is a significant export product that
provides foreign exchange inflow into the state budget |