Abstract: Rice is a stapple food consumed by most Indonesian people. Increasing the number of residents In Côte d’Ivoire, Loranthaceae invades numerous wild and cultivated woody species that they infest. The objective of this study is to show the major role of birds in the dispersion of phytoparasites on crops.
The botanical inventory identified five (5) species of Loranthaceae on annuity crops in periurban areas of the Daloa Department. Among the species inventoried, Tapinanthus bangwensis is very infesting on cocoa trees and coffee trees, and Phragmanthera capitata more abundant on rubber trees. Cocoa trees are much infested with an average rate of 52.09%.
Observations on the behavior of visiting birds in the clumps of Loranthaceae confirmed the role of 13 bird species distributed in seven (7) genera and seven (7) families (Nectariniidae (3), Psittacidae (1), Capitonidae (5 ), sylviidae (1), Colombidae (1), Pycnonotidae (1) and Rhipiduridae (1)). Among these species, two (2) of the family Nectariniidae are very active in their clusters of flowers: Nectarinia senegalensis and N. pulchella and three (3) species of Capitonidae have a more active role in the consumption of berries and in the dissemination seeds. They are: Pogoniulus atroflavus, P. chrysonocus and P. scolopaceus. These results obtained on the responsibility of birds in the dispersion of Loranthaceae on crops suggest upstream lines of struggle that must be taken into account in the defense of crops