Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting production in the intensification of
lowland rice farming. This research was conducted by descriptive analytical method. Population
in this study were all farmers who cultivated paddy rice farming in two villages. Variable
research is paddy rice production, land area (ha), amount of seeds used (kg), use of urea fertilizer
(kg), use of NPK fertilizer (kg), use of KCL (kg), farmer’s age (years old), farmer’s education
(year), labor, farmer’s experience, frequency of agriculture counselling. The analysis model used
was the Cobb-Douglass model of multiple regression analysis. Results of research are the effect
of land area factor (X1), labor (X2), seed (X3), use of urea fertilizer (X4), use of NPK fertilizer
(X5), use of KCL fertilizer (X6), frequency of agricultural counselling (X10) and intensification
of farming (D) together (simultaneous) affect the intensification of rice farming to production
(Yi) with p < 0,05. The coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.983 or 98.30%. Conclusion is the
effect of production on the intensification of paddy rice farming where land area, labor, use of
seeds, use of urea fertilizer, use of NPK fertilizer, use of Kcl, frequency of counselling and the
effect of farm intensification have significant effect. The effect of labor on intensification of
paddy rice farming where production, experience, education and intensification of farming are