Abstract: Ricinus communis L. is a species native to Africa and its importance lies in the multiple uses of
oil extracted from its seeds. The objective of this study was to determine the areas with
agroecological potential for the cultivation of Ricinus communis in the state of Chiapas. It was
carried out in three stages: the first was to determine the agroecological requirements of Ricinus
communis L., through a literature review and field trips. The second one consisted of the climatic
characterization using the database of the National Environmental Information System (SNIA) of
the INIFAP in the period 1961-2003, of National Water Comission (CONAGUA) and of the
Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The third consisted of generating raster and shape
stratified images of each climatic variable. The results indicate that it has an area of 1'579,939
hectares with good potential and represents 21.5% of the total area of the state. In total for these
two Rural Development Districts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (DDR),
893,482 hectares with high agroecological potential are estimated and represent 56% of the total
state area |