Abstract: Livelihood Security refers to the secure ownership of or access to resources and income
generating activities including assets to meet basic needs. These basic needs include adequate
health facilities, shelter, level of income, basic education and community participation in social
activities. If any of these basic needs is not met, those households become insecure. This
developed methodology helps to analyze the livelihood security of the rehabilitant farmers of
Upper Krishna Project Area (UKP). Livelihood Security index (LSI) and Sub-indexes were
developed with the help of weightage given by the different disciplined/professional judges.
Livelihood security of the rehabilitant farmers was measured by using LSI. Livelihood Security
of the rehabilitant farmers was found to be 54.66 percent. Among the components of Livelihood
Security, natural capital was observed low (48.77%). Human capital (63.59%) and social capital
(55.24%) performed moderately among all the capitals. The developed methodology enable the
researchers, academicians and policy makers to assess the Livelihood Security of any Project
Displaced farm Families (PDF) due to displacement by corporate companies (Steel, Mining,
Nuclear power etc) National Highway, Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and also due to natural
calamities like drought, flood, earth quick, etc., if it is proved to be reliable in new conditions. |