Abstract: Selected botanicals and carabao manure used as biopestilizer was studied for three months at the
University Demo Farm, University of Eastern Philippines, Main Campus, University Town,
Catarman, Northern Samar, Philippins to determine their effect on the growth and yield of
cauliflower. The application of bio-organic pestilizers from animal wastes and plant extracts was
found to have highly influenced on the growth and yield of cauliflowers, evident on the different
growth and yield parameters evaluated. Higher rates of bio-organic pestilizer resulted to bigger
and heavier plants and eventually higher yield of marketable cauliflowers. Bio-organic fertilizer
from animal wastes (carabao manure with manure tea) was found effective in influencing growth
and yield of cauliflower while the efficacy and effectiveness of bio-organic fertilizer from plant
extracts might have been affected by factors like dose, timing of and frequency of application,
and stress factors brought about by abnornal environmental conditions during the conduct of the
The use of bio-organic fertilizer from animal wastes and plant extracts has high potential as an
alternative sources of plant nutrients for sustainable organic cauliflower production under
favorable weather condtions. A follow-up study is necessary to verify its economic viability and
feasibility under farmers’ field at various agroclimatic conditions in Northern Samar, Philippines |