Abstract: In the last 10 years in Macedonia are produced only oriental types of tobacco which achieved an
average annual production of unprocessed raw tobacco amounting to around 25,000 tonnes, with
the exception of two vintages (2008 and 2015). This production is competitive and compatible
with the real needs of the market. Accordingly, in this ten year period total production by year
shows that the Republic of Macedonia has continued sustainable development of tobacco
production and the variety structure is extremely heterogeneous, especially in type prilep and
there are no direct payments (subsidies).
Thus, based on a whole set of research. The analysis of the parameters it was found that the
introduction of subsidies by the government 1 per kg of tobacco from 2009 to date and
improving the variety structure as a major factor in the introduction of the variety Prilep 66- 9/7
in the primary tobacco production in this period is decisive for the increase in production and
achieving sustainable development in the last 10 years. The variety Prilep 66-9 / 7 in the last two
years has represented an average of 88% in total production and over 97% in the production of
the type prilep. This variety is not only achieve sustainable development of tobacco production,
significantly increased the competitiveness of tobacco production in the market and realize a
much higher export price for 1kg processed tobacco in the previous year period |