Abstract: Study was conducted to evaluate the different water application method for promising aerobic
rice (Oryzasativa L.) variety. (PSBRc9). This was conducted at Nagbalayong, Morong, Bataan
from November, 2014 to March, 2015. Treatments used for the experiments were 2 planting
methods, the P1 (transplanting) and P2 (broadcasting) and 3 water application methods, the W1
(flooding), W2 (furrow) and W3 (drip). The rice variety used for this study was PSBRc9
(AP0).Highest plants were observed from broadcasting under flooding method and most number
of tillers was attained in transplanted rice under flooding irrigation. Longest panicle was also
observed from transplanted rice under flooding irrigation and most number of grains per panicle
was harvested from this treatment. Grain yield in terms of weight was observed from
transplanting under flooding irrigation method. Irrigating the field using flooding irrigation in
transplanting method can increase the number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle
length, number of fillers grains per treatment, number of filled grains, weight of 1000 grains in
grams and grain yield in kilograms per treatment in comparison to furrow and drip irrigation. In
conclusion, based on average plant height of the PSBRc9 rice variety the highest plant height
was attained by broadcasting method of planting under flooding method of irrigation.