Authors: Sindarihora Philbert, Ngabonziza Adrien, Nzamukosha Beatrice, Vimbai Wedzerai Gumbeze,Hakiruwizera Emmanuel, Mukankurunziza Jeanette, Umuhoza Nadine, Irakarama Marie Gloriose,Ufitinema Bonaventure, Sibomana Valens and Nirere Drocelle,Rwanda |
Abstract: Bush bean (phaseolus vulgaris) is a leguminous grain crop which belongs to the fabaceae family.
Agriculture in Rwanda remains unproductive due to intensive exploitation of shrinking land
brought about mainly by high population density. This study was carried out at, to evaluate the
effect of different rates of phosphorus integrated with rhizobium strain on growth and yield of
bush bean. The field experiment was designed in a randomized complete block design (RCBD)
with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used during the study includes T1:Seed only
as control (Without phosphorus and inoculum ), T2: Inoculated seeds (1.33g of rhizobium),
T3:Rate I of phosphorus (19.5t.ha-1 of TSP ) with non-inoculated seeds, T4:Rate II of
phosphorus( 21.66.t.ha-1 of TSP ) with non-inoculated seeds, T5:Rate III of phosphorus(
23.5.t.ha-1 of TSP ) with non-inoculated seeds, T6:Rate I of phosphorus( 19.5t.ha-1 of TSP )
with inoculated seeds (1.33g of rhizobium), T7:Rate II of phosphorus( 21.66.t.ha-1 of TSP ) with
inoculated seeds (1.33g of rhizobium), T8:Rate III of phosphorus( 23.5.t.ha-1 of TSP ) with
inoculated seeds (1.33g of rhizobium). Growth parameters evaluated include number of leaves,
number of branches, leaf area index, while yields related parameters were biomass accumulation,
number of seeds per pod, number of nodules per plant, number of viable seeds, and a sample of
100 seeds from each experimental plot were tested for further evaluation. The results revealed a
significant increase of bush bean by 21.666kg/ha due to integration of phosphorus and seeds
inoculation (1.33g of rhizobium) when compared to other treatments. The observed results also
indicated non-significant effect on plant height and the number of pods among tested parameters
in the experiment. Therefore, farmers who need to produce animal feeds can be recommended to
use the combination of phosphorous (23.5.t. ha-1 of TSP + 1.33g rhizobium) as observed in T8
which recorded highest biomass during the study. The influence of these outputs was due to
significance interaction between phosphorus fertilizer and bacteria species (rhizobium) in
amazing action of fixing atmosphere nitrogen in the soil and crop (bush beans) could benefit in
its growth and yield. It can be concluded that, to get high yield of bush bean, integration of
phosphorus and rhizobium at 21.66. t. ha-1 of TSP should be used by the farmers. The different
types of rhizobium strains combined with adequate rates of phosphorus can be tested for further