Abstract: Kacang goats have a lesser body weight than other goats and are widely distributed throughout
Indonesia. Their main feed comes from green fodder in the form of grass, legumes, or
agricultural/plantation waste. This feed is used for growth and production (meat and milk) and
reproductive metabolism. This study aimed to determine the relationship between local feed
types and the productivity and feasibility of Kacang goat livestock in the Tolitoli Regency. This
study, conducted from May to August 2023, used a survey method by distributing questionnaires
to 174 Kacang goat farmers. The results showed that the local feed often consumed by Kacang
goats was Gamal green fodder (Gliricidia maculata). Other types of green fodder such as Kayu
Jawa (Linnea coromandalica), Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala), Turi (Sesbania grandiflora),
and Teki (Cyperus rotundus Linn) were only used as substitute feed if gamal green fodder was
not obtained. The productivity of Kacang goats, in general, is still relatively low. The income
from the Kacang goat business is Rp.1,728,178/year. The R/C Ratio of the Kacang goat business
is 1.9675, indicating that the Kacang goat business provides an income of 0.9675 (96.75%).