Latest Issue
ISSN : 2456-8643


Khobe, D. and kwaga, B. T.

A research was undertaken to present the list of avifauna (bird) species in Jos Wildlife Park, Plateau State, Nigeria. The study area was divided into 3 basic habitats (Gallery, Savanna and Rocky). Five (5) transects of 200m long were located in each of the habitats. Results obtained gave 136 bird species belonging to 42 families (Ardeidae, Scopidae, Falconidae, Numididae, Phasianidae, Charadridae, Columbidae, Musophagidae, Cuculidae, Caprimiqidae, Apodidae, Coludae, Alcedinidae and Meropidae among others. The birds were classified into the Non Passeriformes (54 bird species) having two or three toes forward with none at the back: Bulbucus ibis (cattle egret), Scupus umbre eta (Hamerkop), falco tunnincus (common kestrel), Francolinus bicalcaratus (doubled-spurred francolin), Burhinus senegalensis (Senegal thick-knee), Stretopelia hypopyrrha (Adamawa turtle dove), Streptopelia senegalensis (laughing dove), Clculus gularis (African cuckoo), Dendropicos fuscescens (cardinal woodpecker) among others. While the Passeriformes (82 bird's species) birds having three toes pointing forward and one back included Hirundo rustica (Barn swallow), Cossypha polioptera (grey-winged robin chat), Myrmecocichla albifrons (white-fronted black chat), Sylvia communis (Common white throat), Cisticola cantans (singing cisticola), Terpsiphone viridis (African paradise flycatcher), and Batis senegalensis (Senegal batis) The savanna and the Rocky habitats have more bird species that the Gallery habitat. The most common families among non passeriformes are the Columbidae and Indicatoridae (5) having five (5) species each respectively. While the most common families among the Passeriformes and the Sylvidae (21) with 21 species and the Turnidae with eight (8) species respectively. The study therefore, recommends that environmental gardening and the encouragement of tree planting in human inhabited areas of the bird be taken seriously in order to improve bird diversity.


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